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about us

We reward you to play blocks to

 learn Korean subconsciously

Korean is a highly praised language in the linguistic world,

with its scientific design and easy to learn nature.

To honor King Sejong, who created these Korean alphabet “Hangul”,

UNESCO has a King Sejong Literacy Prize to award those who fight for literacy.


3 Korean Language Characteristics


As easy as ABC

Each hangul is made up of a vowel and 1 to 2 consonants. Pronunciation of all hangul is easy once these vowel and consonants are learned.

~60% vocabularies same as the Chinese ones

Understanding the Chinese roots behind, without the need of recognizing the characters, would help quickly grasp a lot of vocabularies.

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Patterns in grammar

Korean hangul looks like symbols.

The grammar rules depend on the vowel and consonants in the hangul used.

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HanBlock promotes traditional and K-Pop cultures
integrated with Korean Language
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Coming Soon

Anyone can play the causal game
without prior language knowledge.

Level by level, learn vocabulary and grammar subconsciously.

Get Korean product rewards.

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